Friday, August 22, 2008

Summer fun 08'

Our ward had an awesome FHE where we had slip and slide so over all this was the summer of our lifes and its still not over!!


Hodges Family said...

Looks like you have had lots of fun. I miss you and hope to see you soon!

Sarah Plauché said...

That's awesome that your doing the activities now! Still at Cinnamon Tree right? Sounds like your more involved in the ward now than we ever were before. lol. Well, we need to keep in touch more! And I like your new layout.

Joe Tenney said...

What's up, Steph the Stylist? I like your new background. Also, I like your job description:) I told Joe that you and him are in the same line of work and he agreed and laughed. Looking forward to your visit!