Sunday, January 11, 2009

I know, I know its about time I update this thing!

Apparently some people actually read this blog, and would like to see it updated more often, so this is for you. The thing is nothing really to exciting happens in my life so I don't update it but I guess I missed some Holiday like Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years just to name a few that I could've blogged about so here it goes.

HALLOWEEN! Below is a picture with Katie and I dressed up as a Witch and a Pirate with Ryder and Brock and there candy (I think they still have it). They ended up getting so much. It was really fun because Katie and I got to visit all the families in Utah that have kids and see them in there costumes. 

 It was really great this year. I went to my parents house and most of the family came over. The food was great but I know that there is a lot more to Thanksgiving then just the turkey! There are so many things I am grateful for that I could go on for days! It was fun that day because some of us went out and played some football. It was amazing and what an amazing family I have. I just wish Joe and Alisha were closer! 

Ah how I love Christmas!  This year for some reason to be honest I felt different can't quite figure out why just did. So for any who were around me that day sorry if I wasn't myself or I came off mean I'm sorry. I would say though I did have a lot of fun shopping for presents this year! I also got a lot of great things, but I would have to say my little sis won this year and got a Wii ( sorry joe it was electronic but is wasn't piano lesson on tape and she didn't throw it against the wall). Below is a picture of me and my new niece Shane on Christmas!

This new years was by far the worst new years ever!  No offense to Katie but she made me go to this new years eve dance/bash and she couldn't leave because she was in charge and when I said I wanted to leave for a hour she almost put the water works on so I stayed! Lets just say this was a Multi Stake thing and about 40 people came I could go on all day with the awkward things that happened that night but I won't! 

All though new years day was fun we went to our parents house and Brad and Lori and their Kids come and we all played on the on the Wii. Below is me singing it was really intense. I hope this up coming year will be even better than last year! Sorry I took so long to update I hope I can be better this year! 


Joe Tenney said...

Hooray- you updated your blog! Fun to see what you've been up to these past few months.

The Egan Family said...

YAY!!! I'm so glad you updated your blog!!! Its fun to see whats going on with you, good luck with your computer, I hope it will work soon! :)